Miscellaneous documents
Pursuant to Article L. 225-40-2 of the French Commercial Code, the Related-party agreements entered into by Altamir are presented below:
- Sale of Financière Hélios by Altamir to Amboise SAS
- Repurchase of all the shares held by Amboise SAS in the Apax France VII fund
- Repurchase of all the shares held by Jean Estin in the Apax France VII fund
- Repurchase of all the shares held by Jean-Hugues Loyez in the Apax France VII fund
- Altamir subscribes to a FPCI managed by Amboise Partners SA
- Sale of Altrafin Participations by Altamir to Amboise SAS
- Sale of Altamir B Shares by Altamir to Altamir Gérance
- Sale of Altastory bonds by Altamir to Amboise SAS