Participating in Shareholders’ Meeting
Participating in Shareholders’ Meeting and voting are part of the fundamental rights of holding shares. This annual event is an invaluable opportunity for communication and dialogue. Several means of participation are available to ensure the maximum number of shareholders participate.
Download the documents for the Shareholders’ Meeting
Participate as you choose
One pre-requisite: demonstrate you are a shareholder
All shareholders, regardless of the number of shares they hold, may attend the Shareholders’ Meeting in person, vote by correspondence, or be represented at the Meeting, provided they have presented evidence of their shareholder status at least 2 working days prior to the Meeting date (for example 12.00 am Monday, Paris time, if the meeting is held on a Wednesday).
Securities must be recorded:
- for holders of registered shares: in the registered share books kept on behalf of Altamir by its agent, Société Générale Securities Services
- for holders of bearer shares: in the share books kept by their authorized banking or financial intermediary; the intermediary must issue (electronically, where appropriate) an attendance certificate evidencing the recording of the shares in its share book and join this certificate to your instructions (remote voting form, proxy vote, admission card request).
Attend the Shareholders’ Meeting or be represented
If you attend the Shareholders’ Meeting in person
We would be delighted if you could join us. To attend the Meeting you shall prove your identity and justify you are a shareholder. To facilitate your access we recommend you bring your admission card.
If you cannot attend the Shareholders’ Meeting
You can still vote. Several options are available:
- Be represented at the Meeting
- Vote by correspondence through the form available on line
- Send a proxy to Altamir without indicating an agent; in this case, a vote will be recorded in your name in favour of the adoption of all resolutions presented by the Supervisory Board. You can communicate your instructions by mail or on line.
Voting by correspondence or proxy by mail
Voting by correspondence or proxy by mail
You must complete the single correspondence /proxy voting form
- Registered shareholders should complete and sign the form received with the Notice and send it to:
Société Générale Securities Services
32 rue du champ de tir – CS 30812
44308 Nantes Cédex 3
- Bearer shareholders should request this form from their financial intermediary. Once completed, the financial intermediary will forward the form to the above address, accompanied by an attendance certificate issued by it.
NOTE: These documents must be received by Société Générale Securities Services at least three days prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
If you want to submit a written question
The Shareholders’ Meeting is an occasion for exchange between shareholders and Altamir representatives. All questions will be answered.
Furthermore, in accordance with the French Commercial Code, all shareholders have the opportunity to submit written questions of their choice to the Supervisory Board. These questions should be sent to the Company’s headquarter (Altamir – Direction des Relations Investisseurs – 61 rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris France) by recorded delivery lettter with acknowledgement of receipt or by email at:
no later than the fourth working day preceding the Shareholders’ Meeting. These questions should be accompanied by a certificate attesting to the recording of Altamir shares in a share account.