

Altamir shareholders have access to the Private Equity asset class, benefit from recurring dividends and from a unique tax-exempt investment vehicle due to the status of SCR.

NAV per share evolution

Strong increase of the NAV over the last 10 years
  • NAV (Net Asset Value) is the key performance indicator monitored by Altamir to value its assets and measure its growth: it is calculated 4 times a year, for quarterly, half-yearly and yearly results publications.
  • Altamir’s NAV is calculated based on the statutory shareholders’ equity, restated to integrate the portfolio companies at their ‘fair value’ as calculated by the Apax fund managers in accordance with IPEV (International Private Equity Valuation organisation) recommendations.
  • Unlisted companies are valued every half-year and listed companies are valued every quarter.
  • As of 30 June 2024, NAV stood at €35.52 per share (after dividend payment), up 2.7% compared to 31 December 2023 (35.62€/share).
  • Over the last 5 and 10 years NAV TR was 13.3% and 11.9% respectively (CAGR). 


A sustainable and attractive dividend policy

A sustainable and attractive dividend policy
  • Each year Altamir distributes a dividend corresponding to 2 to 3% of its NAV, which represents a yield of 4 to 5%.
  • The dividend paid at the 2024 AGM is 1.08€/share, the same amount as in 2023.

Stock performance

A Total Shareholder Return higher than benchmark indices
  • The Total Shareholder Return measures the value created for the shareholder: it takes into account the share price evolution as well as the dividends distributed.
  • As of 30 June 2024, Altamir TSR is 234% over 10 years and 90% over 5 years, outperforming the LPX Europe (respectively 131% and 31%). It represents a total CAGR of 13,1% over 10 years and 14.9% over 5 years.