A unique, tax-exempt investment vehicle
Altamir has opted for the French status of SCR (Société de Capital Risque), making Altamir shareholders eligible for certain tax benefits, as indicated below:
Resident and not resident in France
Individuals resident in France
- By committing to holding their shares for at least five years and reinvesting their dividends until the end of that period, individual investors who are resident in France are exempt from tax on dividends and on capital gains from the sale of their shares; social security levies must still be paid (17.2% as of 1 January 2019).
Individuals not resident in France
- By committing to holding their shares for at least five years and reinvesting their dividends until the end of that period, individuals who are not residents in France are not subject to French withholding tax.
- Individuals who do not commit to holding their shares for this period or do not uphold their commitment, or individuals who do not reside in a country or territory having executed a tax treaty with France containing an administrative assistance clause aimed at combating tax fraud and tax evasion, are subject to a withholding tax of 12.8%, but this may be reduced or eliminated if more favourabe treaty provisions apply, provided certain administrative obligations are fulfilled.
Legal entities
Resident and not resident in France
Legal entities resident in France
- Legal entities residing in France are exempt from tax on dividends deriving from capital gains on the sale of Altamir’s equity investments. In the event of a sale of Altamir shares held for at least 5 years, they are exempt from tax on a portion of the capital gains (see ratio in force indicated in Altamir’s Registration Document) and are subject to a 15% rate on the balance.
Legal entities non-resident in France
- Legal entities that do not have a permanent establishment in France and do not hold more than 25% of the rights to Altamir’s earnings are not subject to capital gains tax in France. Dividends, however, are normally subject to a 30% withholding tax, which can be reduced (e.g. to 15%), or eliminated altogether, if more favourable treaty provisions apply or under certain conditions as detailed in Altamir’s Registration Document.
We recommend that investors review this topic before investing in Altamir’s shares.